Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s

A Model School

The Vidyalaya strives to blend the heritage, culture, values, and wisdom of glorious ancient India with the constantly changing needs and aspirations of modern society. It seeks to develop every student into a self-reliant, socially useful, disciplined, and law-abiding citizen by providing regular and standard teaching in the most sophisticated manner. It also aims at developing every pupil into an integrated personality and making the child fit to take up various responsible positions in life.


Our vision is to mould students into compassionate, progressive individuals through quality education in a dynamic world.


  • To adopt flexible and innovative teaching learning strategy according to the ability and needs of students, to augment the minimum level of learning of learner to 50 percent.
  • To improve the participation of students in sporting activities for better physical fitness, IQ and EQ.
  • To sensitize the students to make their contribution towards the larger cause of humanity in thought, expression and approach

A blend of Culture and Quality Education

The basic approach is guided by the fact that, nature gifts every child with a unique potential, which with adequate environmental inputs can be developed into outstanding competence so vital to face the increasing competition in today’s world. At the same time, it seeks to safeguard the young minds against the negative influence of materialism and the counter productive effects of liberalization and globalization so as to preserve and promote the sanctity of family and community relationships. Hence the institution has a distinct background, character, and philosophy and lays special emphasis on the study of Sanskrit, Hindi, and Indian Culture in composite form.

It caters to the educational needs of those who want to combine the advantages of a modern school with those of the ancient “vidyasharam” aimed at awakening the intelligence of the child, educating him to understand the complexity of the problems in life and helping him to grow into an individual with sound character and personality, through close contact between the teacher and the taught. The institution also takes up a wide range of activities, conducive to social fulfillment and social achievement.

To this end, the school, besides imparting academic education in the above mentioned courses, strives to:

  • Introduce the guru-shishya attitude which creates an ideal relationship between the teacher and the pupil.
  • Provide training in leadership.
  • Inculcate dignity of labor.
  • Instill a sense of civic, social, and moral responsibility.
  • Give a background of national culture.
  • Introduce the literature, history, and culture of the motherland.
  • Allow full scope for the development of personality so as to facilitate specialization through suitable creative work.
  • Develop ethical, spiritual, and cultural aspects, in short, the altruistic attitude toward life.

The Curriculum would cover the frontier areas of science and mathematics, so as to train young minds to appreciate, understand and grasp the widening horizons and enlarging vistas of modern science and technology.

The school will attempt in every way to provide opportunities for training in leadership, consistent, with the Gita doctrine of “Lokasangraha” to work for the Commonwealth.

In keeping with the dictum “Shareeeramadhyam khalu Dharma Sadhanam” and also with the dictum “means sana incorporre sano” , the Vidyalaya will maintain a detailed health record of the pupils by periodical checkups, offer lessons in health education, so that the children become fully aware of the necessary steps for maintaining sound health.

The Vidyalaya will, as far as possible, involve parents, to develop harmonious and non-conflicting personalities amongst the students in their formative years of life. Career development programs, career counseling, and training for competitive examinations will also be organized for the holistic development of the student.


Subject: Join Us in Building a Strong Alumni Community!

Dear Alumni,

We are excited to announce the formation of an official Alumni Association for BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN’S SRI VENKATESWARA VIDYALAYA , and we invite you to be a part of this exciting venture.

Kindly fill the google form:

We look forward to your participation and contribution to our Alumni Association.

With Best wishes

A Vanisree