Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s

Apex Body Investiture Ceremony

“Leadership is not a position or title, it is action and example”.
To inculcate leadership qualities, a sense of responsibility, and discipline among students, “The Apex Body Investiture Ceremony” was held by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s, Sri Venkateswara Vidyalaya, Tirupati, on 6th July 2022 at the school premises. The Chief Guest for the event was Sri P. Parameswara Reddy, I.P.S., Superintendent of Police, Tirupati District. The programme began with prayer.

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Smt. S. Indira, Principal, Bhavan’s S.V. Vidyalaya, Tirupati welcomed everyone and introduced the Chief Guest to the gathering. In his Presidential address Dr.N.Satyanarayana Raju, Hon. Director & Treasurer, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Tirupati acclaimed Sri P. Parameswara Reddy, the day’s Chief Guest to be a highly disciplined and dynamic Police Officer and that the students are fortunate to have him as the Chief Guest for the day’s event. He also added saying that Apex Body develops teamwork, and leadership qualities and helps to build up character and congratulated all the members of the newly formed Apex Body.

The Apex Body members were bedecked with sashes and badges by the Chief Guest and were administered an Oath to promote cultural, and ethical values, to be sincere and honest in performing the duties assigned to them, and to carry on the legacy of the institution. In his address, the Chief Guest appreciated the School Management for the values, ethics, and discipline imparted, which is evident in the excellent performance of the students of Bhavan in academics, sports, and competitive exams. He also added saying that Apex Body helps the students to learn and experience Leadership qualities, Governance, and Discipline. He advocated for all the members of the Apex Body to be role models to the pupil community.

The day’s Chief Guest was felicitated by Dr.N.Satyanarayna Raju Garu and Smt. S. Indira, Principal of the school. The programme concluded with the proposal of a Vote of Thanks by the Head Girl Kum. G. Sarayu, of Class XII. This programme was graced by the Bhavan’s Executive Committee Members, Vice Principals, Teachers, Parents, and students.


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Subject: Join Us in Building a Strong Alumni Community!

Dear Alumni,

We are excited to announce the formation of an official Alumni Association for BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN’S SRI VENKATESWARA VIDYALAYA , and we invite you to be a part of this exciting venture.

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With Best wishes

A Vanisree