Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s

Apex body investiture, 5th July, 2023

The Apex Body Investiture Ceremony holds a great significance as it enables the school to assign its future leaders specific roles and responsibilities. Entrusting students with authority and delegating responsibilities is crucial as it imparts invaluable skills of strength and compassion that benefits them throughout their life.

With this Guiding Principle Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s S.V.Vidyalaya conducted Apex Body Investiture Ceremony on 5th July 2023 on the school premises.

Lt. Col. Anuj Wadhwa, N.C.C, Tirupati was the esteemed Chief Guest for the occasion.

The Principal Smt. A. Vani Sree welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest to the audience.

Dr. N. Satyanarayana Raju, Hon. Director & Treasurer, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Tirupati expressed his pride in being associated with the Apex Body Investiture Ceremony for a significance duration, which has contributed in instilling discipline and leadership qualities in individuals. He further mentioned that these values have played a crucial role enabling students to excel in different aspects of life.

The Chief Guest Lt. Col. Anuj Wadhwa awarded the badges to the members of the Apex Body and administered the Oath. The Apex Body members pledged to work with utmost dedication and sincerity to uphold the glory of the institution.

The Chief Guest expressed great pride in the school, emphasizing how it is providing a nurturing and caring environment, where students’ personality is carefully developed, bit by bit, to shape them into confident individuals prepared to embrace the diverse opportunities presented by the world. He conveyed that those who consistently put in effort would definitely, surmount obstacles and accomplish their goals. He advised students to cultivate positivity, perseverance in order to confront challenges and praised the teachers for effectively imparting both knowledge and values to the students.

The programme concluded with the proposal of Vote of Thanks by the Head Girl Kum. K. Laya Sri, XII.A.

The function was graced by parents, teachers and students.

School Events


Subject: Join Us in Building a Strong Alumni Community!

Dear Alumni,

We are excited to announce the formation of an official Alumni Association for BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN’S SRI VENKATESWARA VIDYALAYA , and we invite you to be a part of this exciting venture.

Kindly fill the google form:

We look forward to your participation and contribution to our Alumni Association.

With Best wishes

A Vanisree