Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s

Sravana Sangeetha Lahari 2022

Sravana Sangeetha Lahari – Amalgamation of Music & Dance, was conducted on 16th August 2022 on the school premises. This year the students of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan offered their prayers in the glory of Sri Adisankaracharya on the theme ‘Sri Sankaracharya Vaibhavam’.

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The programme commenced initially with Bhavan’s prayer followed by the lighting of the lamp by the Chief Guest Prof. K. Raja Reddy, Vice Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Dr. V.Bhaskara Sai Krishna Yachendra, Chairman, S.V.B.C. & Renowned Writer, Musician & Geyavadhani, Dr.N.Satyanarayana Raju, Hon. Director & Treasurer, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Tirupati Kendra, and Chairman, School Managing Committee and Smt. S. Indira, Principal , the Principal gave a welcome address and introduced the Guests to the gathering. The 27th Edition of the school magazine ‘Darpan-2022’ was released by the dignitaries.

Dr. N. Satyanarayana Raju presided over the function. Speaking on the occasion, he expressed that Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan was instituted by K.M.Munshiji with the blessings of Mahathma Gandhiji, Jawaharlal Nehru, and other Freedom Fighters who envisioned a Free India instilling Cultural and Spiritual values for the forthcoming generations. He recollected the efforts put forward by Sri C. Subramanian, Dr. C. Anna Rao, and other visionaries in inaugurating this prestigious institution at Tirupati on 16th August 1989. He also added that Sravana Sangeetha Lahari has become an integral part of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Tirupati Kendra. He also added that “Anantha Chaitanya Sakhthi” an eternal power of divinity is constantly instilled in the campus.

Prof. K. Raja Reddy, Vice Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, in his speech ecstasy of getting interacted with the students of B.V.B. He appreciated the tireless efforts of the management in taking up innovative methods to enrich and nurture the students to excel and enable them to come out with flying colours. On this occasion, he advocated the principles of Sri Adi Sankaracharya and quoted him as the Intellectual pride of the Nation. He appealed to the Management to instill the knowledge propagated by Sri Adi Sankaracharya to dispel the darkness.

Dr. V.Bhaskara Sai Krishna Yachendra, Chairman, Sri Venkateswara Bhakthi Channel & Renowned Writer, Musician & Geyavadhani, in his address expressed his delight for the thought provoking steps taken up by the institution in encouraging and enlightening the students with Sanathana Dharma. He held in high regard the programme ‘Sravana Sangeetha Lahari’ for infusing moral values and culture in the younger generation through Music and Dance.

As a tradition of felicitating the Musicians during the Sravana Sangeetha Lahari, this year the renowned Gayavadhani was felicitated by the Director and the Bhavan’s Executive Committee Members and other dignitaries.

The Guests were felicitated by the Director and the Bhavan’s Executive Committee Members and other dignitaries.

Vote of Thanks was proposed by Smt. A.Vani Sree, Vice Principal, Bhavan’s S.V. Vidyalaya, Tirupati followed by the Cultural Programmes. The colourful Cultural Programmes on the theme “Sri Sankaracharya Vaibhavam” made the audience spellbound.

The program was graced by the Parents, students, and other invitees.


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A Vanisree